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Out Of Her League (2012)

by Ava Archer Payne(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 1
AAP Hot Historicals
review 1: This was a great quick read with steamy sex.....just how I love my Historical Romances. James, having been injured in the Crimean War is being helped with his recovery by Kate, a nurse at a local London hospital. Even though Kate is a twenty-three year old virgin who loves to wear sexy lingerie, she still has a sweet, but no-nonsense, innocence about her. James is expected to marry Miss Kittworthy (who is very unworthy, in my opinion), is attracted to Kate right from the start and Kate returns the attraction. What starts out as stolen kisses, soon turns to hot love scenes that had me fanning myself quite often throughout the book. The only reason for the four stars is because of Kate's brothers. The author brought them into the picture as drunken, gambling louts who depend... moreed on Kate to keep them taken care of. There was also a kind of side story about them regaining some monies, but nothing further on them or their plan. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed James and Kate's story and am looking forward to more from this author.
review 2: Update: Upon re-read, this book is just as awesome as I remembered! A lot of times when you read Historical erotica, it's all about the sex. There may be a few mentions of corsets and cravats thrown in, but the real history just isn't always there. What I loved about this book is that you get that hot erotic story, but with a rich Historical setting. As a former nursing student, I especially appreciated the history of nursing thrown in as well as mentions of Florence Nightingale. As a heroine, I really sympathized with poor Kate. It is a story we've all read about in Historicals, the pragmatic younger sister who has to sacrifice her happiness because of her drunken, gambling, bumbling idiot brothers. After her physician father's death, Kate's brothers gamble and drink away their inheritance, leaving Kate to have to scratch, scrimp, and work like a dog to support them all. She's got dreams though...getting to Paris and exploring the Lourve and the cafes and shops, freely and without demand from her brothers, while wearing her scandalous collection of lacy and silky unmentionable beneath her gowns. Kate doesn't buy the lingerie with seduction on the mind, she buys the decadent confections because she wants to feel beautiful, womanly. When her dreams of a Paris trip are crushed, Kate finds herself working with a doctor to do physical rehab on an injured war veteran.Enter James Lancaster, the perfectly charming hero. He was definitely my favorite character of the two. Suave, charming, sexy and best of all, owning a sense of humor that had me giggling on several pages. When he catches a glimpse of Nurse Kate's silky unmentionables beneath her drab work clothes, he is intrigued with her. Throughout the book, though, I was intrigued with him. He was just that loveable.As far as the sex goes, it is hot, hot, hot, with lots of spice and variety thrown into the mix. What I appreciated most about it, though, is that none of it was fluff. None of the sensual scenes seemed just thrown in for the sake of being there, as I have experienced in other erotic books. I also appreciated that while Kate was a virgin, she wasn't one of those simpering heroines waiting for the man to show her what to do. She was eager to please and learn and that created much hotter interaction between the two.The ending was satisfying and believable and I found myself with a new go-to author for hot historical romance in the end. Ava Archer Payne is definitely an author I will read again. less
Reviews (see all)
I really enjoyed this story. It was well written and I enjoyed the plot as well.
A good, funny, short read. Enjoyed it.
Short, sweet & spicy! Yum!
Free 11/10/12 at Amazon
cute , nice little read
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