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The Magic Mistake (2014)

by Barbara Brauner(Favorite Author)
4.49 of 5 Votes: 4
142316475X (ISBN13: 9781423164753)
Oh My Godmother
review 1: Just when things were getting back to normal the fairy godmother, Katrina is back on the scene. This time with an invitation for Lacey to attend Godmother Academy and become one of them. This invitation is not without its drawbacks though. The training will take one hundred years and she has to leave her current friends and family behind while she is being trained. But, an invitation to the Godmother Academy is not something to turn down lightly. If you refuse you are cursed! Before going off to the academy she has to preform one more Godmotherly act under the supervision of Katrina. She must arrange for true love and create a magical wedding to fulfill someone's dreams. One of her best friend's mother has recently lost her husband and the girls seem to focus on he... morer as the best available candidate. Values are woven into the fabric of this book, Lacey has to learn where and how to use her magical gifts. The story is absorbing and easily read in one session and is worth a reread to catch any subtleties you may have missed hurrying ahead so you can find out what happens next. I can't wait for book three (and I hope for even more after that!).
review 2: It's more a 3.5I liked how bright and vibrant the voice is in the book.Lacey will grab your attention and won't let go until the story is over. She was given the task or finding Gina her true love and have her married in less than a week. Wow!There is an insane (I'm using it lightly) amount of mayhem and stakes are so high you can't help but wonder how a clumsy 12 year-old fairy godmother in training can solve it all. Luckily things don't always go as she plans them and some disasters turned out to be not so disastrous.There is some light romance in the book. And I didn't care for it. I'm one of those old fashioned people who think 12 year-old is too young for boyfriend girlfriend things. But it was light and definitely not the main focus.The reason why I couldn't rate this book any higher is because I've read something similar before and there was no surprising twists for me. However it can still be fun to read because curiosity will keep you from putting the book down. Also you have malicious bugs, thousands of frogs, a wedding gown that comes with its own pillar attached to it, and so much more.Since I haven't had the chance to read book one yet, I think I'm still going to give it a try. I need to know how Lacey got roped into the fairy godmother business in the first place, because it brings nothing but trouble. And a lot of it. less
Reviews (see all)
a great book for younger readers. silly but packed full of great morals and messages as well.
Cute!! Great for tween/young teenage girls
Recommended for grades 5 - 6.
AWESOME! Well written!
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