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Painted Lines (2000)

by Brei Betzold(Favorite Author)
4.12 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This is not a fluffy romance, the characters are gritty and real and so is the suffering and the love.I could not put this book down, I took a night and most of the day to read it as I had to know what each new chapter would reveal about the characters in the book and how they were managing.Would love grown and survive in a soul that had been broken and and poorly healed, we get to watch as a very brave young woman finds herself and eventually claims what is hers.This story touched me on so very many levels as I cried bitter tears as I remembered the pain of someone close to me whose life had been brutally interrupted at the age of 15 and how she slowly healed and went on to find happiness.Thank you Brei for writing such a beautiful story of hope and strength and ... morelove.
review 2: Reading this book was an exercise in logic let me introduce you to this window. The unrealistic plot points made it hard for me to stop rolling my eyes to just let go and go with it.Scout was a really troubled girl always coddled by her brother and the crew she is currently participating in a custom bike competition reality show with. Unfortunately, the custom bike world is very small and some of the biggest obstacles to her sanity are also competing. Her strangely disconnected father Ace is an owner of the best known shop, Ace and Lace Custom so he is invited to be a judge. Amazingly his shop which is also where Scout learned everything she knows is also one of the teams to beat. On what planet would this be allowed? There is not any network that would allow anyone to judge a competition worth $5.00, let alone $500,000.00 that your daughter and personal business are competing against other contestants. How could you be trusted to be objective with that much money on the line? Anyway drama begins even before the first challenge because Scout's step brother, a key member of the Ace and Lace crew, is not allowed to compete due to a restraining order currently existing between them. One of the Ace's team, Thayne, not so brightly assumes a family member would bother to file court ordered mandates against each other for minor infractions; especially,rough and tumble biker types. He decides to confront her and request that Scout relent and allow his best friend to compete. This doesn't go over that well. Of course this is a form of flirting because this signals him as the love interest in this tale. He actually turns out to be a decent, if not that bright guy. Anyone with sense would figure out the amount of damage Scout is dealing with wasn't caused by normal family dynamics. Now Scout isn't just the normal angsty girl we have learned to expect in the New Adult genre. She is so psychologically damaged she constantly goes into blackout panic attacks whenever anything unexpected happens that are so bad, her crew must keep injectable psychotropic medication on hand at all times. The whole book she keeps falling out, and at times causing serious injuries to herself. She goes to the emergency room several times in the course of this competition due to these fits. A new doctor sees her obvious fragile mental state and the writer intends to paint him with nefarious intent because he keeps insisting she needs to be admitted for a psychological evaluation despite the threat of professional sanctions. Unfortunately, I agree with him completely and wonder about the competency of her treating physicians that keep overruling him at every turn. For some unknown reason, the phrase "Bitches be crazy!", keeps running through my head as I read. It also makes sense that these incidents are obvious indicators that she needs to live on her own and her family is unreasonable for questioning her bid for independence. Really?These are just the annoying things I can list without spoiling major plot points. I really wanted to like this more but sparkling vampires are more plausible. less
Reviews (see all)
commas, please! this story drew me in, but it wasn't as good as MMM.
I loved this book. It's one of the best books I have read in a while.
I loved this book. end could have been better but still good
Liked it it was different
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