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A Proper Companion (1995)

by Candice Hern(Favorite Author)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 1
0515115266 (ISBN13: 9780515115260)
Regency Rakes
review 1: At the opening of A PROPER COMPANION, Robert Cameron, the Earl of Bradleigh, is recently betrothed to Augusta Windhurst. Though he had always been considered a rogue of sorts, he just turned five and thirty and finally feels it is time to settle down and beget an heir. He has never been in love but settles on Augusta because she is young, beautiful, "doesn't giggle, and is not a chatterbox". Their marriage will not be love match but will accomplish Robert's goal.That is, until Bradleigh visits his grandmother in Bath to announce his engagement. Little does he know she is already aware of the betrothal but has plotted a different life for him. After all, she loves him and wants him to be happy. Even if he doesn't know it himself.Emily Townsend is a gentle woman with a... more sad past. She was the granddaughter of an earl but her parents literally ran away to be married when they were very young. Her maternal grandparents did not forgive them. Then her mother passed away while Emily was still a child and her father succumbed to drink and gambling problems before he lost his money and died. Now Emily is the kind companion to the dowager Countess Bradleigh.Ms. Hern takes the reader on a jaunt with a well-intentioned but meddling grandmother, a special lady that is given a makeover and a gentleman who learns the hard way that maybe love is important after all. The author has a nice style of writing that is emotional satisfying. The romance was predictable in many ways but still enjoyable.
review 2: A sweet romance featuring a strong heroine, non-brooding hero, and an incredible support cast that really made the book for me.Yes, Emily Townsend is a lovely woman. Blonde, green eyes, beautiful, intelligent, well spoken, etc. She's a genteel lady, granddaughter of an earl, who is penniless so is working as a companion. Okay. Yes, Robert, Lord Bradleigh, is handsome with a winning grin, great personality, and loves his grandmother sincerely. Which is nice. Okay.And I got the romance. I did. No surprises at all, there.BUT. The rest of the cast was fun. Anatole the chef. The Dowager (Emily's employer and Robert's grandmother) was adorable and I want more of HER. Lottie the new lady's maid. Sedgewick (who gets his own book, yay!) and so on. Even Robert's first fiancée, Augusta, had a colorful (if toadying) mother. These made the story entertaining.So I give this four stars. Predictable romance. Fun cast. And a great emphasis on color. Worth the read. less
Reviews (see all)
I well developed characters for a fun and engaging story. very chaste too, for the record.
Good romance book, but the blurb says it all. Predictable.
the sort of book you don't remember after a month.
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