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Finder Library Volume 1 (2011)

by Carla Speed McNeil(Favorite Author)
4.22 of 5 Votes: 3
1595826521 (ISBN13: 9781595826527)
Dark Horse Books
review 1: Jaegar is a Finder, and a sin eater, and a half-breed, and has this thing for his ex-commanding officer's wife and family. But that's only part of the story. This graphic series has been in the works since 1996 through Dark Horse comics. The world is compellingly weird - a futuristic motley of various religions, ancient and otherwise, clans that make up the various status structures, and the outlands, where a lot of people don't want to live. There are so many stories going on within this first graphic novel - what happened to Brig, to make him crazy? Why was he in jail? What is going on with Emma? Does Jaegar love her, or love Brig, to protect them both from each other's presence? What are all the stories within the stories, here in this strange new world, with lion peopl... moree and raccoon people, and clans that would make no sense to our present world, but work in this odd futuristic piece?A very intriguing story, and seriously, I can't really describe it the way it deserves. Go find it for yourself.
review 2: I am obviously missing something here, but I simply can not connect with this book; not the world, not the characters, none of it. I like the art, which starts out crude and continues to get better with each story. The early chapters seem somewhat rough and overwritten, but even as things become more polished, I find myself not caring about anything happening here. I wish I could see what others do in this series, but I can't. less
Reviews (see all)
Beautiful, complex, and completely absorbing.
Couldn't get into this book n didn't read.
Tiny print, great main character...
Wondrous. Especially 'Talisman'.
mind blowingly good.
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