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Bad Houses (2013)

by Carla Speed McNeil(Favorite Author)
3.59 of 5 Votes: 4
1595829938 (ISBN13: 9781595829931)
Dark Horse Books
review 1: This is a book about the things we keep and why we keep them. This is a story about what we refuse to keep and why we throw it away. This is a story about two broken homes and how the younger generation manages to new home from the pieces they were given. And, I think, it does a great job with all of that. The story was a little sweeter than I like my angst most of the time, but Sara Ryan sold it too me anyway. It might have been the expressive, punk-rock quality of Carla Speed-McNeil's art, but this whole story came together nicely. It was a little sweet, a little bitter and a contemplative mirror for the reader.
review 2: This is a well-written story, made all the more impressive by the fact that this is Sara Ryan's first graphic novel. The book is categorize
... mored as "juvenile fiction," but I think that sells the story short. The book has a novelistic feel, more sophisticated than a mere "coming of age story," which is a description I've seen applied to this work. Carla Speed McNeil's art is great...and at times, it turns momentarily manga-like in places. I'm not sure I agree with Time magazine that it's one of the year's top ten, but it's quite good. less
Reviews (see all)
Highly recommended. Reminiscent of a Miyazaki film. Unique voices great art, a terrific read.
Only fault was that I often didn't recognise characters from one section to the next.
Interesting premise. I always wondered what it would be like to run estate sales.
Boy, that Carla Speed McNeil lady sure can draw real good.
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