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The Nobodies Album. Carolyn Parkhurst (2011)

by Carolyn Parkhurst(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 5
0340978163 (ISBN13: 9780340978160)
review 1: I really enjoyed this book...as in I stayed up until 3:00 am last night reading it! Octavia is a best selling author who is estranged from her rock star son Milo. Milo is accused of murdering his girlfriend and Octavia struggles with questions of what led her son to possibly commit murder and if the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter during Milo's childhood is a factor. There is a very interesting subplot in which Octavia rewrites all her novels with a different ending in order to remove personal clues about her family's tragedy from the books. Very creative and interesting book.
review 2: I was very disappointed with this book. I loved the author's first novel and expected this to be just as good. Unfortunately, it was not. The novel is written f
... morerom a first person point of view; the narrator, Octavia, is, to me, completely unsympathetic. The novel starts w/her dropping off her manuscript to her editor. As she is on the way to deliver her book, she sees a headline in Times Square that her (famous rockstar)son has been charged w/murdering his girlfriend. The novel goes on to be a mishmash of her present-day interactions w/her son and excerpts from her previous novel w/revised endings (her new book). Had I been reading, as opposed to listening, I would have skipped those chapters as they were all very depressing and seemed overindulgent and heavy-handed. That is, ultimately, my impression of the novel as a whole...overindulgent. It felt like there was just WAY too much extraneous stuff that actually took away from the main story. If this novel was stripped of the narrator's novels/excerpts, I think it would/could be a quite a good novella that focused only on the story/relationship of Octavia and her son, Milo and how they navigated through a very difficult situation while mending an estranged relationship. less
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Too gimmicky. Otherwise I liked the story.
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