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Sex & Violence (2013)

by Carrie Mesrobian(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 2
1467705977 (ISBN13: 9781467705974)
Carolrhoda LAB
review 1: This book, a Penny Kittle recommendation, was a fabulous read and will definitely be getting added to my classroom library. The writing itself wasn't knock-your-socks off or anything like that, but it did address several big, powerful themes for teenagers. Additionally, the narrator, who started off as a giant asshole, really changed and I found myself hoping he'd be okay. This will be an EXCELLENT read for reluctant readers--especially boys.
review 2: Started off really strong. However, once the incident happens it sort of drags and it takes a bit before it picks up again. Evan is a strong character and I loved the way I was able to get into his head. Wish I would have felt a bigger to connection to his dad's story because it was just there. And I have to s
... moreay I didn't like the ending. It felt incomplete. Overall a pretty good book. I give it 3 1/2 stars but rounded up since we can't give halves. less
Reviews (see all)
I loved this book!!! It was the perfect length and it kept me interested the entire time !!!!
Amazing writing. But I wanted to see more resolution.
Excellent book about teen discovery!
Sequel, sequel, sequel, sequel!
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