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Fall For You (2012)

by Cecilia Gray(Favorite Author)
3.33 of 5 Votes: 3
Gray Life, LLC
The Jane Austen Academy Series
review 1: This book is definitely more of a retelling than modern adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. If you're going into it expecting all the events of Pride and Prejudice to play out in a modern setting, then you're going to be disappointed.The simple fact is, the characters are recognizable from Austens work, and there were some similarities between the events in Austens book, and in this one, but it's definitely been retold.The most obvious differences are that characters who were in Pride and Prejudice, such as Lizzie's sisters, simply do not exist in this version, and right off the bat that makes this book a lot different to the one it's based on.However, like I said, this is a retelling and it's only loosely based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.As a contemporary YA, th... moreis book just works. It has some really great characters throughout, and I actually really liked the way you have the main characters of Austens work all mingling together, it definitely makes for an interesting dynamic.I felt that the story between Lizzie and Dante was really good, it gave a believable reason for there to be some animosity between the two of them, and they were both really good characters.The one negative I have on the point of characters, is that because the book was so short, you didn't really get a tonne of character backstory or development. I wanted to know more about them, see more of them together and learning to like each other. It felt a bit rushed by the ending, and I was really enjoying their story, so I simply wanted more of it.As far as the book as a whole goes, this was a fun, interesting book with some great characters. It's quick and easy to read, and it definitely made me want to complete the series. I read this book in one sitting, and I think it is the kind of book I would go back to and read again.There were some fantastic moments in it, and had it been a bit longer and allowed the reader to invest more in the characters, I truly think that the cuteness and clever writing of this retelling, could have got a ten out of ten from me.I would definitely recommend this book. It's fun, cute, and a great read for summer.
review 2: To describe this book in a sentence i would say it was a quick, light hearted summer read.Lizzie the main protagonist is very easy to relate to. I loved how she had a dream to get the scholarship to Harvard and would not let anything stop it. When her current girls boarding school turns co-ed lizzie's scholarship is challenged, in the form of a typical, overprotective, arrogant boy, Dante. While it was a bit cliché i still loved the arrogance and stubbornness of Dante's character The plot wasn't a 'wow' and didn't have much of a climax, however the book was still enjoyable. But unlike other books, it didn't dwell on my mind afterwards. I loved all the characters, yes, even Anne and I loved how Cecilia Gray showed and evolved the relationships between all the Characters throughout Fall For You. less
Reviews (see all)
Cute story. Pride and Prejudice for a new generation. The first in a series of Austen remakes.
Free ebook. Cute retelling of Jane Austen story with a modern twist that teens will like.
I thought it was a cute take on Jane Austen characters in high school.
Free iBook.
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