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The Confession (2012)

by Charles Todd(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 2
0062015664 (ISBN13: 9780062015662)
William Morrow & Company
Inspector Ian Rutledge
review 1: This is the third book in the Inspector Rutledge series that I have read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The mystery was interesting and there was not as much emphasis on Rutledge's relations with his superiors at Scotland Yard which I liked. Rutledge is presented at the start of the book with a confession (hence the title) and goes on to discover why the man confessed and what it really meant. And he does so with hostility from the English village he has to visit, with missing and old records to dig up and go through and with memories of the war still creating issues for him and others.
review 2: I am beginning to think that the Todd's are tiring of writing Ian Rutledge mysteries. I say that because this dragged on and on with mundane stuff. Early in the novel I
... more got the point that the villagers did not like strangers but the authors kept bringing it up over and over again. We learned that Mrs Russell disappeared mysteriously so many times that I was beginning to think the authors must think the readers all suffer from ADS. I skipped through 2/3's of the novel because of this tiresome repetition. What did we, as readers, do to deserve such treatment? less
Reviews (see all)
This book just plodded on and I never really cared what happened or did not happen.
Novella. By what's becoming my favorite mystery/procedural author.
Bit complicated but I do like the Rutledge character
Another great book with a jaw dropping twist.
Lots of good twists and subplots/stories
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