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The Cliff (2012)

by Christie A.C. Gucker(Favorite Author)
3.8 of 5 Votes: 3
1938397312 (ISBN13: 9781938397318)
Pagan Writers Press
review 1: I have never written a book review if my life, but I simply had to for this one because of its blatant disregard for victims of sexual assault. Early on in the book, the main character is drugged and a man who was her friend from childhood forces himself on her. Had this been handled with even a minor degree of respect for victims, this could have been an amazing story. However, the act of rape is treated like it isn't a big deal. The main character jumps right back into explicit and often ridiculously overdone love scenes literal hours after the attack. This is unrealistic and offensive to someone who has lived through this type of crime because it takes a long time to recover and sex is the last thing on your mind. Even worse, they go back to socializing with the rapis... moret like nothing happened. Sure, they are a little peeved and the guys duke it out, but its more about jealousy over who got the girl. No one considers pressing charges and when the parents come to visit, they are more worried about keeping up appearances than making the culprit take responsibility. The author of this book obviously knows nothing about sexual assault. As a survivor, I found this story repulsive. It sends the wrong message to victims. Its telling them its not a big deal and to just forget it ever happened, and that is the worst kind of message to convey. It would be even worse if someone you considered a friend and almost brother did this to you. I don't know that the author was thinking, but I do not recommend this book at all, but especially not to survivors.
review 2: Here are some of my tweets that I left while reading this AMAZING book:Up til after 1 AM! Why? Reading The Cliff! EVERY CHAPTER A CLIFFIE! Just 1 more...dang it...ok, 1 more...dang it... GREAT BOOK!Got a Q 4 u: Is it still considered phone sex if only 1 partner is on the phone? THE CLIFF IS A VERY HOT BOOK! Hope my iPad doesn't explode!What do chocolate covered strawberries, Oreos, mousse & Nutella all have in common? THEY MAKE U MELT! Read The Cliff!In the old days we rubbed on Baby Oil to get a suntan! Liked The Cliff's usage a whole lot better! SCORCHING HEAT W NO SUN BURN!Let's play JEOPARDY-Topic The Cliff for $1000: "When fun with food takes a trip down memory lane!" *buzzer* "What is THE SEX CAKE?" Correct!Hmm...interesting use of a chocolate covered strawberry! Wow! Need a FIRE EXTINGUISHER while reading The CliffThe Cliff: SOULMATES who love unconditionally & learn to forgive! Once u find the other part of your soul, u can't live w/o it!What a great ride *standing ovation*UNCONDITIONAL LOVE HAS NO EXPIRATION DATE!!Tissue by tissue (and sex cake by sex cake) all the way to the TOP OF THE BEST SELLERS LIST! less
Reviews (see all)
I had a hard time putting this book down and the Epilogue just made me cry. I loved this book!!
This wasn't for me, so I stopped reading. The characters and plot never intrigued me.
This used to be a Twilight fanfic called The Cliff by RobstenCuteness.
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