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Fury Of The Phoenix (Kingdom Of Xia, #2) ARC (2000)

by Cindy Pon(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 2
Kingdom of Xia
review 1: Fury of the phoenix continues with Ai Ling desperately trying to sneak aboard a ship that Chen Yong is on, Ai Ling has seen danger in his future and wants to save him from it. Who better to do so? For Ai Ling has slain demons and even killed Zhong Ye, an almost immortal. However, everything does not go swimmingly for Ai Ling, Chen Yong is furious and for the better part of the book, he ignores her or is rude, sure there are very sweet moments but they are fleeting. I found myself more drawn to Zhong Ye’s story with Silver Phoenix and his adventures and quest for immortality were far more interesting. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed watching Ai Ling grow and do things that would be considered irreprehensible in her culture, it just was not enough o really get me hooked o... morento her character this time around. There were far less stories and lore in this book, only one demon/creature and less action. I could not connect with anyone really, even the trajic Silver Phoenix was bland to me and I got tired of hearing how beautiful she was. We also lose sight of what happens to Mei Gui and her son after a while and I kind of wish I knew. It is by no means a bad sequel but it is by no means the best, some questions are answerd, some loose ends tied up but I just struggled through it. If you read Silver Phoenix though, you will enjoy this one if for nothing but learning what happens after Zhong Ye is killed and seeing if Ai Ling and Chen Yongs relationship further.
review 2: Usually people don't like the sequel as much as they liked the first book but for me it was the other way around. I actually really liked this book. The first one was okay for me but this was just great! I think it was mainly because I got to see more of Zhong Ye's side of the story rather than Ai Ling's and finally Ai Ling and Chen Yong are together because the first one just left me kind of hanging, no dangling, on that. Hanging is usually good but dangling not so much.After reading this, I actually felt sorry for Zhong Ye. In the first one it was straight forward that he was a bad guy and I wanted to feel more connected to him. I don't know why but I tend to be more drawn to the villains in the stories, not necessarily liking them, but definitely more curious and interested in them. So I was pleased that we finally got to hear what was going on in Zhong Ye's head during the time when he was alive that caused him to be the way he was in the first book.In this one, I really got to see the setting a bit better. I was really intrigued with how everything went back in whatever time era this may be. I had always been into Ancient Chinese history and even though this was fictional, it really boosted this interest.This book is one that I would recommend to those who are into historical fiction. Most historical fictions are very Western or European but this gave a new light to Asian historical fiction. I'm quite pleased that I've read this book. less
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I thought this was really good.Ai Ling escapes and follows Cheng.This also had good plotting
Significantly better than the first but was a bit shallow. Story a bit predictable.
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