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A Bella Street Mystery: The Secret Formula (2011)

by Clare Havens(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 2
Bacon and Eggs Media
Bella Street Mysteries
review 1: I was fortunate to receive this from a Goodreads Giveaway. This is a fun thriller, with believable characters whom teens can relate to; especially Bella. Havens does a wonderful job at describing Manhattan, she leaves you feeling as though you have been there.Bella and her friend Felix have quite the adventure trying to solve the mystery of her new Nanny and ensuring that the secret formula keeps out of the hands of evil. This story is fast paced and perfect for the intended age group(early teens) but an enjoyable read for all ages. I recommend this novel to all teens, mystery lovers and those looking for a fun quick read.
review 2: Firstly, it's a quick read, the pace of the book is great and its full of action. The author did well with developing characters
... morewithout slowing the movement of the plot and I very much like following the plotline from the perspective of both the protagonist and antagonist. The author doesn't hide anything from the reader either, she establishes the storyline early (the reader knows things that Bella has yet to figure out until later) but still adds in twists and suspense toward the finish. I'm impressed with the development of Felix and the Professor as interesting and endearing supplamental characters, and even Dick Gutson and the glimpse into his relationship with his sister.Well done! Definitely a good read for an adolescent interested in a mystery/suspense story, and it does have a 'noir' feel about it, especially because of Felix's unique interest in criminal behavior.Well done! And thank you less
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It wasn't the best. But, hey. Still looking forward to other Bella Street books.
I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads.
Sound like a really fun read!
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