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Eines Morgens In Paris (2014)

by C.S. Richardson(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: This book is like an oil painting. The layers are added on by one until you finally see the big picture. It is so intricate that it has to be read more then once, discussed over coffee with a fellow book lover, just to be sure The nuances of the story aren't missed. It is a book for book lovers. For those that understand the feeling of walking through a library or book store, of being embraced in a story. It is a difficult read at first, I didn't think I would finish it. But alas, I finally saw the evolution of the story. And now I can't wait to read it again.
review 2: There are some books out there that I read fast, understand, but don’t connect with. It’s a little like when you read a textbook. You skim over the surface of it, but never really get
... moreinvested and you’ll probably not be able to recall it a month later. That’s how this book went for me. I get the struggles of the baker’s son and his troubles with reading; I get Isabeau and her issues. I get why books and stories play a huge role in their life and bring them together, but it just didn’t capture me whatsoever. If it was a show on TV I would have changed the channel out of boredom, but like all books I gave it a fair chance and finished. I wouldn’t suggest it to others; nothing was particularly bad; it was just a snooze fest. less
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Another gorgeous read by Scott Richardson. Absolutely recommend.
A sweet little book by a Toronto author who was new to me.
A well written, almost lyrical book.
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