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Cold Moon Rising (2009)

by C.T. Adams(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 1
0765359642 (ISBN13: 9780765359643)
Tor Paranormal Romance
A Tale of the Sazi
review 1: This is told from Tony's point of view, it's more about uncovering the plot of Nasir and the South American snakes against the Sazi than the romance. Although there is romance between Tony and Sue and Ahmed and Tuli. We also meet a recently turned badger, whom the authors hinted would have her own series. I would have given this story five stars but it was often hard to follow some of the transitions and could get confusing as Tony would see through Ahmed.Ahmed is King Cobra, Tony is wolf, Tuli is snake, also bald eagle, badger, and various other snakes and wolves.
review 2: This is an urban fantasy series featuring various flavors of shape-shifters, often in the context of their underground intelligence agency known as Wolven. This particular book is a return
... moreto the story of Tony & Sue, the couple from the very first Sazi book. Or more accurately, a return to Tony. It's written in the first person from Tony's POV, which, to be honest, I wasn't sure was going to work for me. But, I'm happy to report that I easily got into the story enough for it not to bother me at all! Yay! Tony is low man on the totem pole working for Wolven and finds himself on an assignment that puts him near many of the top Wolven agents and council members of the Sazi society. This book seems to be heavy in series-arc plot, so the action doesn't exactly end at the end of the book like some of the others do. I'll definitely be reading the next one soon so I find out what happens next. less
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Loved all the other Sazi books but having trouble getting into this one! I will read it though!
More urban fantasy than romance, but a good read. I enjoyed it a lot.
Cold Moon Rising (Tales of the Sazi) by C. T. Adams (2009)
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