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De Noche Andamos En Círculos (2014)

by Daniel Alarcón(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 4
8432222518 (ISBN13: 9788432222511)
Seix Barral
review 1: It was a story not worth telling, but it was told well. The prose was engaging and the characters were well fleshed out. The story is set in an unnamed South American country (probably Peru) and I found the cultural differences interesting. That's about all the book had going for it. The plot was meandering and there was a lot of build up with little payoff. On the last page, one character asks another "Do you understand?" To which the second replies "I do." Well, I don't. The actions of the main character in the last few pages of the book didn't make any sense to me.
review 2: Another one from the Tournament of Books 2014 that just wrapped up. This is a book I can only describe as sludgey. It seemed like I was trudging through it through most of the tournament
... more, reading a few pages here and there. It couldn't keep my attention. I wanted to like it. The main character is trying to figure out the life of the leader of his theater group, and his life slowly starts to mirror his. Even without an interest in theater, a theater group's trip through South America should have had much more. Not much happens... everything is left to the background. More than this had to happen. The most amusing part for me was a fridge turned into a clothes closet since it was so cold all the time that the food didn't need to go in the fridge. Information about the main character is gradually unraveled but you're left with a feeling of "That's it?" The idea of a prison without cells or else cells that are never really locked is simply frightening though. less
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This one didn't do much for me. It stagnated in the middle for me and the pace never picked back up.
I tried to read 10 pages of this and then put it down, just did not register with me at all.
Political and personal, this book resonated on many levels.
Great story, great storytelling.
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