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The Wisdom Of Sam: Observations On Life From An Uncommon Child (2010)

by Daniel Gottlieb(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 4
1401923852 (ISBN13: 9781401923853)
Hay House
review 1: Daniel Gottlieb's relationship with his autistic grandson is endearing. Daniel shares Sam's unique perspective on life, as he sees it. But I was extremely impressed with the way Daniel answered Sam's questions and soothed his fears in a very honest, heartfelt manner. What an awesome pair they make!This is a book in the tradition of Tuesdays with Morrie that is just so uplifting and inspiring -- a must read!
review 2: Sam is described as an Uncommon Child, not necessarily because he is on the autism spectrum, but because of his one-liners. Sam is 8-years-old. The author, Daniel Gottlieb, is his grandfather who happens to be quadriplegic.Sam's comments and questions about life, death, and things in between such as "Why do people have to get naked?" are the ba
... moreckbone of the book. Gottlieb takes the backbone and fleshes it out with chapters about events in their lives. We learn about Sam's first solo night away from home and Gottlieb's first train trip since his accident. This book has a backbone, heart, and wisdom. less
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Read the one that was published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Both the child and his grandfather were annoying.
It is an OK book. Nothing spectacular.
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