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Barack Obama: The Story (2012)

by David Maraniss(Favorite Author)
4.05 of 5 Votes: 2
1439160406 (ISBN13: 9781439160404)
Simon & Schuster
review 1: The book was interesting and a good biography-read. The in-depth history of the family roots on both the paternal and maternal sides made a brilliant impact on understanding the development, personality and personal traits of our current president. The characters of his mother and father were real and engrossing. It was a pleasure to get to know them better. The history of his time spent in Indonesia read like a novel to me. There was some redundancy when quoting friends and family about perceptions and observations especially during the high school and college years. These short blurbs were often tiresome and doubtful. The days as a 'community organizer' were a clear and engaging, common sense history of this part of his life. I did want the book to continue to the... more current day hopeful that there would not be too many more shallow quotes from friends. I read this as an audiobook and was most impressed with the author's command of Kenyian, Indonesian, Hawaiian and Pakastani words and names.
review 2: I now know more about Obama than about myself, so it seems. Interestingly explained it was the grandparents, the mother, the Hawaiian culture, and his proximity to good teachers and classmates that provided him the stable base from which to grow. Genes provided him a biological basis for his intellect. Very different than the Ozzie and Harriet paradigm I inculcated in my formative years, the two parent household and a stable sober father played no part in his upbringing. Quality teachers, friends and an environment of educated thought made the difference. His grandfather Stanley was the positive loving paternal influence. less
Reviews (see all)
Interesting to read in the light of Dreams from My Father being a memoir, this a historical account.
Very thorough writer, interested in more of his books. Makes Obama more human.
Fascinating, always interesting, very elaborately written, ... Loved it!
Obama is boss.
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