Books: 10 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.95
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Donna Ball

3.91 of 5 Votes: 1
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Books by Donna Ball
Silent Night (2011)
4.07 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Number 5 in the Raine Stockton Dog Mystery series. Christmas time in Hansonville North Carolina. Raine is trying to figure out how she fits in since her divorce has changed her status in town. But one murder, four abandoned newborns of both the two legged and four legged type, a ...
Love Letters from Ladybug Farm (2010)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I have enjoyed all the books in the LadyBug Farm series. I somehow read this book out of order - read the next one first - so it did reduce the pleasure of the read just a little. But overall I enjoyed this book and appreciated the humor and the antics of the 3 women who are the ...
A Year on Ladybug Farm (2009)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I would never have picked this book up of my own volition. I finally found a book group in the small town where I now reside and this was the book for this month. I cringed a little when I found the book on Amazon because I am not a fan of what is often derisively called chick-li...
At Home on Ladybug Farm (2009)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: It's amazing to me how a book where very little actually happens can be so enjoyable to read. Maybe because a simple life seems like such a big dream for many of us, maybe because the writing and characterization just draws you in. When I picked up the first book in this series...
Keys to the Castle (2011)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Sara Graves is still struggling to come to terms with the death of her new husband, when an invitation arrives for her to go to France to settle her husband’s estate. Daniel was a talented poet, but she never realized he was also part owner of a 400-year-old crumbling castle in ...
Vintage Ladybug Farm (2012)
4.12 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This book is in Donna Ball's Ladybug Farm series. I highly recommend these books but suggest you read them in order. I mistakenly read this one out of order and while it's not the worst thing in the world, it lessens the impact of the book before it.Overall I really enjoyed conti...
Christmas on Ladybug Farm (2000)
3.94 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: The Ladybug Farm series is among my favorites! This novella was a lovely Christmas read (even though this is mid- January). I always enjoy hearing from the talented three women of Ladybug Farm, Noah, Lori, Ida Mae, and the array of mishaps, animals, and challenges of keeping up...
Christmas on Ladybug Farm with Recipes: A Companion Cookbook (2013)
3.94 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: The Ladybug Farm series is among my most favorite books. Christmas on Ladybug Farm is partly a story and partly a cookbook. The story is, of course, about Christmas. The owners of Ladybug Farm, Lindsay, Cici, and Bridget are getting ready for their annual party. Anyone who knows ...
The Hummingbird House (2013)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I read this because I loved the Ladybug Farm books. This one is similar to those, but it's more national than the Farm books. I think the ladies of the Farm are more proactive than the boys of the House. The boys seem to react to problems that they have caused for themselves. The...
Bone Yard (2000)
4.09 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Nice dog/outdoors mystery series. Main character is much less bitchy in this book. (She should have taken a Xanax in the first book) Well worth readingFirst paragraphsONE It’s the kind of story the newspapers always love: family dog drags home human bones from the woods.  Hunt...
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