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The Survival Kit (2011)

by Donna Freitas(Favorite Author)
4.01 of 5 Votes: 2
0374399174 (ISBN13: 9780374399177)
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
review 1: I wasn't expecting to love this book as much as I did. Although this book focuses around sad circumstances, I felt that it was a good look into how people deal with death and how it affects people differently. I enjoyed the family interactions and the problems they deal with just like "real" families do. One of the best parts of the book was following along with Will and Roses' evolving friendship. There is something about their story that really struck a chord with me ... I really liked how they were able to just fall in-step with each other in the beginning and were able to work things out and be there for each other in the end. I love the connection to the music and her mothers ipod. I love music and I think it plays a big part in peoples lives and seeing it used i... moren a book to express things was really neat.
review 2: Rose finds her very own “survival kit” after her mother’s death. The kit, created by her mother, contains a number of objects that are supposed to help Rose persevere through the aftermath of her mother’s cancer: a picture of peonies, a paper star, an iPod, a tiny crystal heart, a box of crayons, and a kite. Rose is left to decipher what each object means and how it will help her get through this period of grief. less
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It was predictable but it's something I never wanted to end. I loved basically every second of it.
Actually 3.5 stars. Beautiful story, not very original but nicely written.
Now I also need a survival kit,,,:-) Awesome
LOVED it!!!
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