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Indelible Lovin' - Max & Jane's Story (2013)

by D.W. Cee(Favorite Author)
4.32 of 5 Votes: 2
0615913148 (ISBN13: 9780615913148)
Chickygirl Publishing
Indelible Love
review 1: I have read all of DW's books and although I have read MJ´s 1+2 online at her blog I still needed to purchase the books and re-read it all over.This books made me laugh, cry and i hade he feelings that i was right in the middle of it and it had me switching side´s between Max and Donovan quite often, but in the end i was happy that the GEM got her prince.The hardest part of this book was the waiting in between the blogs because you just want to continue and never put it down
review 2: D.W. Cee writes books that captivate with a multitude of emotions, drawing you into reading in one sitting. You'll become a Reider. I recommended reading " Indelible Love" books first although "Indelible Lovin' Vol. 1" can be read as a stand alone, followed by Vol. 2. The sto
... morery of Max & Jane takes us through the start of a renewed relationship with questions, many emotions and unexpected revelations. Characters from "Indelible Love" are part of Max & Jane's lives. In this book as well as the other books you feel like you're part of the group of characters. Love, cry, laugh, be angry and feel angst it's all in this Reid. less
Reviews (see all)
I love the Reid family and will continue to follow them through the upcoming releases. I'm hooked!
This is a very good book love how it goes back and forth talking from Maxs side to Janes side.
ok.... not as good as the first two bust still a must read.
Great read!
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