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Indelible Love - Emily's Story (2012)

by D.W. Cee(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 4
D.W. Cee
Indelible Love
review 1: This was a quick, romantic read. I started out really enjoying the book, but in the middle I got bored. I got tired of her being sad and lonely about not being with Jake. The big, long descriptions of the food were a bit over the top and unnecessary, I didn't read through half of them. I did really like Emily and Jake's relationship. It was refreshing to read a romantic book without any sexual scenes. Towards the end, their relationship did get a little too mushy for me though. Overall, it was a nice quick read. I probably won't read Jake's Story because I'm not a big fan of reading books that just have a different point of view.
review 2: Emily was getting on with her life. After being with Max for four years he had dumped her at graduation. Now it was 18 mo
... morenths later so still was not dating anyone. One stop at the grocery store at midnight, a cereal box she couldn't reach and falling against a stranger changed all that but she didn't know it yet. Jake had literally fallen for her. That's what happened when she fell and took him with her to the floor. From that moment he knew she would be in his life only she didn't know it yet. less
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Very predictable and very little conflict making the book slow as molasses.
whiny girl, overbearing man.
fantasy love story
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