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The Hollywood Economist: The Hidden Financial Reality Behind The Movies (2010)

by Edward Jay Epstein(Favorite Author)
3.73 of 5 Votes: 2
1933633840 (ISBN13: 9781933633848)
Melville House
review 1: Very interesting. There's a prevalent tone of "I've found something fishy here" that's mostly unjustified. Maybe it's the investigative journalist's bias. For instance, the fact that different investors face different levels of risk and profitability is treated as inherently suspicious, but it's the way lots of business is done and is not necessarily immoral. That being said, it provides a good deal of insight into the business of Hollywood and the strategic choices different parties face.
review 2: Весьма любопытное чтиво о том, как на самом деле зарабатывает Голливуд и почему официальные цифры сборов мало что означают. Правда, автор не слиш�
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Good, interesting. Maybe not relevant for independent film makers. Makes me glad I don't live in LA.
Velmi slaby odvar Freakonomics, cele mi to pripada ako trochu nasilu pozliepane clanky z casopisu.
Interesting about how much it really costs to make movies.
This is like Entourage + spreadsheets.
Must read for movie business.
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