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Age Of Empathy: Nature's Lessons For A Kinder Society (2010)

by Frans de Waal(Favorite Author)
3.97 of 5 Votes: 2
0307407772 (ISBN13: 9780307407771)
Broadway Books
review 1: "La edad de la empatía" es el título de este libro en castellano. Es prácticamente una continuación natural a "El mono que llevamos dentro".Analiza las razones de que seamos empáticos, o sea, el ponernos en la piel de los demás, y sus ventajas evolutivas. Y la empatía no sólo se da en el ser humano, sino en muchos otros animales. El autor, una vez más, guiándonos por numerosos ejemplos, nos muestra la cara del comportamiento del hombre estudiando el comportamiento de los animales.Es una opinión personal: para mí, tanto este libro como el anterior que he citado son auténticas obras de arte.
review 2: This is the kind of book that I was longing to continue reading while working during the days. It really "caught me". Even though it's academic in its
... morenature it's written in a simple language that might attract people who usually wouldn't read such books. Beside that it also made me smile and giggle more than once. Even if there were some moments when I felt that I might not agreed with the author I did find his thoughts and opinions to be very interesting. Sometimes it felt as if he could have explained the reasons for his interpretations slightly better, but with that said I have to add that I didn't look at his references. If I did, maybe I would have to rethink that conclusion.I sure want to recommend this book. I did enjoy it a lot and will for sure look up some of his other books. less
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(re-imagining original Star Trek series in light of man's inherent empathy....)
Interesting idea:Are we competitive or empathic by nature?The biology says...
point taken!
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