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Out Of Range: A Novel (2013)

by Hank Steinberg(Favorite Author)
3.58 of 5 Votes: 1
0062080539 (ISBN13: 9780062080530)
William Morrow
review 1: Sometimes, in life, we don't finish. We quit and think that is the end of it. It was too hard, too dangerous, too scary and we ran away. This is what happened to our hero. As is often the case, unfinished business comes back, taps us on the shoulder, and says: Let's dance. The scarier the unfinished thing we ran from, the more likely it is to pop up when we least want it to. That is the story here.
review 2: A former international correspondents wife goes missing and now he has to unravel the lies to find her. I can concede that this guy has a lot of contacts that help him out but there is a point where you just have to put the belief factor aside and just ride with it. And that is easy enough to do with this novel as fast paced and electrically charged as this
... more story is. So if you are looking for a very good story that cracks along at a great pace, go for it. less
Reviews (see all)
Good, but became a little too far fetched as the book approached the ending
Hard to put down. Suspense, intrigue, easy to read. Good book.
2 1/2 stars. Started off as an interesting read but dragged on.
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