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Wetter (2012)

by Harper Bliss(Favorite Author)
2.94 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Cover :- 4 starsSex/steaminess :- 5 starsStory line :- 4 starsCharacters :- 4 starsOverall rating :- 4.25 starsPersonal rating :- 4 starsBook Pairing:- F/FDid it give me a book hangover :- NoIs this a review book or personal read :- Personal ReadWhy I chose this book?I love Harper and I'm gradually working my way through all of her work.What I liked about this book.* A quick steamy read.* Original story line.What I didn't like about this book.There was nothing wrong with this book as far as I could tell.Would I read more from this author?Without a doubt.Would I recommend this book?Yes to f/f lovers.
review 2: A Penthouse letter length, lesbian erotica tale that could benefit with a bit of character development. Bliss can deftly handle the sex scenes but I woul
... mored like to see the same craft applied to the seduction - which can generate more heat than the sex itself. I cannot tell if Rachel is 28 or 48. Some additional touches could have been added without greatly increasing the length of the piece. For example what if Toni and Jimmy both walked into the steam room? I'm not suggesting the need for a threesome or any male sexual involvement - but we might get more insight into Rachel seeing how she would react to the situation. Jimmy was brought up in the story - might as well use him. less
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Very short f/f read. No real chemistry.
To short...hot scenes but not enough.
A shower room quickie.
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