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Spurs And Heels (2011)

by Heather Rainier(Favorite Author)
4.32 of 5 Votes: 2
Divine Creek Ranch
review 1: Oooooh. I was definitely looking forward to this pairing especially after reading about Ash carrying Juliana off to the hospital kicking and screaming. Ash has a way of setting Juliana off with everything he says which is really amusing. It wasn't a very memorable pairing but definitely was still enjoyable to read. I adored Ash right from the start when he first appeared. Heather managed to sculpt him perfectly, his adoration of Juliana without making him seem weak and an alpha male but not an asshole.I was in the mood for a fun romance and this just did it for me. The plot wasn't that practical with how fast their relationship was moving but I loved it :D It's all about the mood. And Ash was just too sexy of a cowboy for me to resist.
review 2: I thought that
... morethis one was just ok, things seemed to move at super speed. Juliana went from getting a breakup phone call from her boyfriend of 5 years to sleeping with Ash within a month of meeting him, which was the same night of the call.There were a couple of funny moments, that probably weren't meant to be. The first was when Juliana used every swear word in the world after getting hurt. The other was when Ash got yelled at and beat on by his sisters at the Dancing Pony after he was an ass to Juliana. less
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Great book, one of my favs so far.
I loved this talk about hot!!!
Loved it!!
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