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Trailer Trashed: My Dubious Efforts Toward Upward Mobility (2008)

by Hollis Gillespie(Favorite Author)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 3
1599213850 (ISBN13: 9781599213859)
review 1: I really enjoy Hollis's writing, and loved her first two books, but this collection of stories didn't quite grab me. I do love how she writes about her daughter (and I don't really even like kids) and her description of her relationships with her best guys will make you laugh. Hollis is the kind of writer who makes you wish you were her bff so you can sit around, and make up new words ending in 'tard. Definitely read her first books.
review 2: Jacquelyn Mitchard (author of The Deep End of the Ocean) called this a "rollercoaster memoir" and I enjoy memoirs so I gave this one a quick read. It certainly is a raucous trip through events from the life of a single mom.However, it is less a story than a compilation of memories in a series of vignettes. The author is
... more a syndicated humor columnist and she does have a flippant sort of humor that drives her narrative forward, but I felt like she was trying too hard to be funny. For me, this memoir was disappointing and I would not recommend it. less
Reviews (see all)
To be fair, I didn't finish this latest Gillespie collection. Her charm has worn thin for me.
Fun...a bit repetitive, don't need to read the others for a while, but worth picking up.
Wanna be Augusten Burroughs, but not interesting enough to succeed.
Another gem from one of my absolute favorite authors!
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