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Sidekicks (2011)

by Jack D. Ferraiolo(Favorite Author)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 4
0810998033 (ISBN13: 9780810998032)
Harry N. Abrams
review 1: The book Sidekicks is about a child with an undefined destiny trying to find his way in a world of lies and mysteries. It is located in the near future. I would recommend this book to all people who like si-fi action books with a dash of romance. The only problem I found with the book is it has a slow start and complicated plot but, soon explains it's self near the end of the book. That is why I gave the book four stars.
review 2: Scott is a plus/plus - a genetic mutant who is faster and stronger than the average human. He's also ward to Trent, who fights evildoers as the Phantom Justice. Scott is his sidekick, Bright Boy, but, as he's a teenager, things are definitely changing, one of them being his bright orange costume doesn't exactly hide stuff that teenage
... more boys are known for. When his...outfit...makes an appearance in the news and Bright Boy becomes a laughing stock for pretty much everything, Scott wants to make changes, but Trent won't even hear him out. But while they're battling their archnemeses, Dr. Chaotic and his sidekick, Monkeywrench, Scott manages to find out Monkeywrench's secret identity - that of one of his classmates, Allison. In retaliation, she steals his mask, and the two of them realize that while they have power, it's equal. The problem is, Trent and Chaotic aren't likely to let them continue to be friends, or anything else, because, you know, mortal enemies and all.Only there's something more indidious creeping into the city and going to destroy Scott and Allison's romance, and possibly the other plus/plus heros and villains, for good.A very YA engaging story, with a lot of humor in it. The Buffy and comic book crowd should love this book - I know I did. less
Reviews (see all)
A well done story, it really held interest and held a good balance of light and dark tones.
it only gets 2 stars because of swearing
not a book for elementary aged kids.
it was awesome! needs a second book!
Very fun book. Recommended.
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