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The Greatest Man In The World / The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (1939)

by James Thurber(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 5
0895987201 (ISBN13: 9780895987204)
Perfection Learning
review 1: This snippet of cozy brilliance by Thurber is his best short story ever, a story that makes the ordinary feel extraordinary. A story that gives the reader open permission to do the same in their life. A way to take a trip in your coziest chair without more than simply using your mind.Walter Mitty is a regular chap who likes to day dream a few times a day; his adventurous second life is rich and riveting and so often interrupted by his whiny wife and life’s demands. Without worry he’s able to perform his tasks while shuffling his head dreams as if one was shuffling his ipod or playlist walking down a crowded street or working away on their computer with their head in better places. Mitty does his best to balance his wonderful imagination with the daily grind, even if hi... mores life isn’t too hard, his mental happy trips seem physical to his wife who is on a whole other plane ready to take his temperature. This is a delightful story that can be read and re-read in a short amount of time and it will always be delicious and imaginative.- Kasia S.
review 2: It would be much easier to review the movie than it would be to review the book. The movie has more of a plot. At 32 pages, there very little chance to experience Walter Mitty or his extraordinary life. It's interesting that an entire movie could be built around a man who daydreams a life to supplement a trip to the A&P for puppy biscuits and a new pair of shoes. I applaud the creativity and enjoyed the reading (and amazing price from Audible - FREE!!). 3 stars. less
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It was only a 15-minute read...but perhaps the sweetest 15-minute read I have experienced!
15 short pages. I thought this was a sad little story.
I can't believe that they made a movie from this story
He's a dreamer.
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