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Aurorarama (2010)

by Jean-Christophe Valtat(Favorite Author)
3.22 of 5 Votes: 1
1935554131 (ISBN13: 9781935554134)
Melville House Publishing
The Mysteries of New Venice
review 1: I really liked this book but I think it is only going to be liked by certain people. It reminded me of "Sleep no more," the New York performance art piece where you wander around and experience things...plot being less important than being immersed. Also reminded me of "The Night Circus" (but much better). You've got to sit back and relax and allow yourself to be confused. I probably read 100 pages before I got my bearings. In a good way. Every character has a personality, and there is a plot though you can't fully appreciate it for quite a while. Some people might find the witticisms and clever writing distracting buy I enjoyed it very much. Jules Verne meets Sex in the City meets Occupy. It is super weird. Always surprising. I loved it but recommend it to my friends with... more caveats. It might not work for you.
review 2: I loved the world building elements, and the setting should have been fantastic and interesting. Sadly, I got about 100 pages into it without much of anything happening with the plot, other than the middle aged professor sleeping with beautiful young women and doing exotic drugs and maybe vaguely referencing the idea of social revolution once or twice. I'm shocked that a book with a mysterious black airship and secret police could be so frightfully boring. less
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Cool as it was, there was too much world building and not enough plot.
Maybe the worst world building in a book I have ever read
Liked this one a lot. Review to come!
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