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Threshold (2011)

by Jeremy Robinson(Favorite Author)
4.18 of 5 Votes: 2
0312540302 (ISBN13: 9780312540302)
Thomas Dunne Books
Chess Team Adventure
review 1: Yet another great adventure by the Chess Team, and the fantastic over the top elements that I found a little distracting in the first book have grown on me to the point that I love them and let my imagination run wild with them. The interesting thing, is that as far out there as some of the elements of the story are, Jeremy does a good job of giving a semi-plausible way for them to exist in our world. Nicely done! Look forward to a lot more of the Chess Team!
review 2: I had been eagerly anticipating this book. I wanted to know the characters,so I started from the beginning. Pulse,then Instinct. It was well worth the wait! It met and exceeded my expectations King and the rest of Chess Team are reunited with an old friend who has stumbled on to the keys to the
... more universe. Threshold delves deeper into the characters so you learn more about them,but not at the expense of the action. I could NOT put this book down! Do yourself a favor and get this book:Get the whole series. I did and as a result Jeremy Robinson is now one of my favorite authors !! less
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Definitely one of the best books I've ever read!
Really interesting Fast paces thriller.
well written suspense and adventure!
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