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Going All In (2009)

by Jess Dee(Favorite Author)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 3
1605048526 (ISBN13: 9781605048529)
Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
Three of a Kind
review 1: A romance about a threesome I would have probably thought twice to pick it up had it not been for Barnes & Noble's free nook books for which I have found most of my reading. And boy am I glad I did. Who wouldn't love being pursued by two guys who refuse to give you up? Granted this book is the best case scenario where everyone is pretty much okay with the situation but it is still a great read. Also I just noticed it is part of a series so I will have to look into the other ones. Happy reading!
review 2: VERY nice menage from Jess Dee! Very cute! All the poker references were really pretty neat and for a short story, there was quite a bit of character development and history in the book! I was very pleasantly surprised! And of course, it was nice and steam
... morey, believable since she had known these guys for a while, and what I really, really liked was the fact that this was the first threesome for all of them (not another one of these WE SHARE WOMEN AND THAT'S WHAT WE'VE ALWAYS DONE storylines that quite honestly are getting rather repetitive) and the latent bisexuality of the guys was explained. Very, very nicely done! less
Reviews (see all)
Really liked it! Even though it was short the reader experiences a lot of emotion.
Short, sweet. Liked the characters.
Steamin! But too short :(
Very good book...
Good short story.
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