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Porque Os Homens Preferem As Divas? Miss Piggy Fala Sobre A Vida,o Amor E As 10 000 Coisas Idiotas Que Os Homens Sapo Fazem (2012)

by Jim Lewis(Favorite Author)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 3
Casa das Letras
review 1: I laughed my way through this book! Miss Piggy has much to tell us about what men say, but really mean, perfecting the fine art of flirting and the types of dating. She is very instructive in enumerating questions a girl might ask before going out with a guy or deciding to marry. Interspersed with advice on cosmetic surgery and beauty tips, the finest “diva” of them all gives us words to live by.
review 2: Sometimes I like some light reading; this would qualify. It is a quick read and gives you a few laughs. Miss Piggy is certainly a diva and her tips on life and love fit right into the category. What I learned from this book: Miss Piggy can hit the nail (or frog) right on its head. Her advice is partly silly, but some of it makes some sense. Some
... more is pure Miss Piggy, though. Example: Under her catergory "what every diva needs to know" are these gems of wisdom. Too much is never enough, when the going gets tough you are obviously in the wrong place; if you don't succeed at first, complain loudly until they give it too you. Some of her ideas do merit some consideration. Example: in the section "Moi on Style", she says: style is about being yourself; sytle is about expressing your inner self, being stylish is a lot of work, sytle comes in all shapes and sizes. If you want a book to make you laugh, get you to think, and make you say "huh?", you will enjoy this book a lot. And.... it is a quick read. less
Reviews (see all)
A seriously fun read. Makes for passing time with friends in a coffee shop hilarious.
Sometimes I wonder why I even bothered to read this. Horr-uh-ble.
LOL Passing this up would have been difficult.
2 1/2 stars. In between Do not like and like.
Good fun.
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