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A Government Of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State (2013)

by John W. Whitehead(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 3
1590799755 (ISBN13: 9781590799758)
review 1: Alarming, fear-mongering and unfortunately true. This book describes the continual erosion of our Constitutionally granted freedoms. As if the NSA illegally monitoring your communications and constant video surveillance weren't enough, Whitehead details the Public/Private Prison Industry. He clearly documents the incentive for government and corporations to catalog and confine you. This book is depressing, but sadly representative of the world in which we currently live. I wonder what government list I'm on now that I've read this book?
review 2: I really hope this book gains a large audience. It covers issues that all Americans should be aware of, from the loss of individual rights, to the militarization of the police departments, and the rising surveill
... moreance society. Our founding fathers would weep bitterly if they saw what the country they had fought and died for has turned into. My only criticisms of this book would be that it is a bit repetitive, and the author's liberal bias shows from time to time [not at all over the top]. Though, he doesn't hold back at all when talking about abuses by both sides of the political spectrum. Neither of these criticisms were enough for me to even dock it a star.All in all, I would definitely recommend reading this book. It is very disturbing, but 'We the people' need to wake up and protect our rights and freedoms before it is too late. less
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Scary book! Enough said.
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