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Privacy Code (Shatterproof) (2014)

by Jordan Burke(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 1
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
review 1: Privacy Code immediately grabbed my attention from the first chapter. The plot is really intriguing. In this installment though you don't find out much about the suspense angle just that there is a nefarious reason behind why their is a "Code" in the first place. I like how the author built the anticipation of the couple coming together. The only thing I didn't care for was the length. I've read both book 1 and book 2 and they could have been merged easy enough but it didn't stop me from buying all three. Price was really affordable. Book 1 99 cents (as of 8/28/14) Heat level in book 1 about a 6 out of 10. Maybe even a 5.5. I enjoyed it a great deal though.
review 2: How would you handle being completely alone in the world? It the main feeling I had when readin
... moreg this first installment of The Shatterproof Series. Alone…Catherine is completely and utterly alone in the world. She can’t even have a dog due to the size and lack of yard in her apartment. She has no parents being raised in foster care all her life. She got a job at 18 and has spent her life in mostly solitude. She goes out, to work or to the store. To the rescue shelter to visit “her” dog, Winnie. But she has no friends that should would consider a real friend. But she does have a internet friend….Watts is up to something. He owns a bookstore but it’s real purpose is a front for something. Sadly I can tell you there won’t be any spoilers for that because I don’t know. It’s not revealed in this book what he does - but it takes careful precautions and he actually lives a pretty lonely life himself. His emails to Catherine are extremely important to him also. I really enjoyed this first book and I anxiously await the next installment coming out in a few days. The story is amazing!!! I am in love with Catherine’s personality and I can’t wait for Watts to reveal more of himself. Trust is going to be a big deal with these two I can tell and I can’t wait to find out what happens. Definitely recommend. :) less
Reviews (see all)
Boring, boring, boring and with absolutely no depth.
meh... hope the 2nd book is better
Pretty good...
3.5 stars
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