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All Things Wicked (2012)

by Karina Cooper(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 4
0062046934 (ISBN13: 9780062046932)
HarperCollins Publishers
Dark Mission
review 1: The third installment of the Dark Mission series centers around Caleb, bother of Jessie from book one, and Juliet, a witch who was a part of the terrorist group The Coven of the Unbinding. Caleb is recovering from the injuries he sustained a year ago after blowing up the coven before the leader could implement his evil plan. Juliet who has spent the year looking for her missing sister finds Caleb with the intention of killing him for betraying and killing the coven she considered family. The sticky, she's not ruthless enough to take a life, but also she has feeling for Caleb and can't kill him. So she puts out a call to the Coven hoping to contact anyone left alive so she can offer his head on a platter and get back in their good graces. Only she finds out the new lea... moreder of the coven doesn't care for her either and just wants to kill them and take their powers as her own. Now Caleb and Juliet are on the run from people who want to kill them.This was a pretty easy read if you shut your brain off and not ask a lot of questions. I felt kind "meh" about the two main character. There was no real emotional investment for me. I really couldn't connect with them. In fact by book three I should have known in more depth how there came to be a New World/Old World, the origin and back-story of the main characters as well as the peripheral characters and their connection to the main characters. Where the Church of the Holy Order and the Coven of the Unbinding stand in this new society and who are the key players. Where some series give you too much world building, info dump and back-story I felt like this series didn't give me enough. I had questions. The story did go in the direction I hoped which made me happy and sad at the same time. In my opinion since this seemed to be a turning point book, I felt this should have been book one in the series and everything should have unfolded from here. Maybe this would have given the author a reason to world build, back story and info dump the hell out of this book. More information would have made what I consider a pretty shallow series so much deeper and complex.
review 2: I didn't think after what Caleb did in Blood of the Wicked, I didn't think that I would be able to like Caleb. What he did was abominable even if his intentions were good. Were they good? I don't know. I'd like to think that he was sacrificing people and almost killed his sister for the *right* reasons. What I didn't expect when I started reading All Things Wicked is that I actually liked Caleb's character. How is this possible? How can I like this cruel person? Throughout my reading, All Things Wicked, I was constantly conflicted about Caleb and his actions.Karina Cooper does a great job of creating the ambiguity of right vs. wrong when it comes to Caleb. Caleb believes that his actions were justified. What he did was for the greater good. Would he do it again? Probably. Does he have some regrets? Probably not. This is why as a hero, Caleb is a difficult character to relate to and root for. While reading Caleb's story, I wondered if he was deserving of a HEA. He has caused so much pain it seems only fair that Caleb suffers as well.Juliet is a character who I loved and disliked. She is weak; she has been protected all her life. And the one time she tries to be strong and avenge her sister's death, she can't follow through. At first, I didn't see her as a great match with Caleb but as the story and their relationship progressed, I realized she is a great compliment to Caleb's character. Caleb needs to protect and Juliet needs to be protected. She had her TSTL moments that drove me crazy but it was consistent with Juliet's character. Her attempts at being useful and strong happened during the most inopportune times. It frustrated me but I saw that it was her way of taking control and feeling like she is making a difference.Jessie, Silas, Naomi and Matilda play an integral role in the latest installment of this series. Secrets are uncovered. New characters are introduced. New players in the Mission and the Coven motives are revealed. There were a lot of twists and turns that kept me on my toes and on the edge of my seat.The Dark Mission series is a great balance of PNR and UF. Yes there's romance and each featured couple as their own HEA (of some sort) but the overall plot of the series is dark and gritty. Witches are be hunted and persecuted in New Seattle and while witches are worrying about being discovered by the Mission, they also have to worry about The Coven of the Unbinding. A group of witches who's reach extends beyond the ruins of Old Seattle. In All Things Wicked, we learn more about the Coven and how the were able to have members in prominent positions within the Mission. I loved the continuing development of the story arc. I can't wait to see what happens next. less
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