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A Field Guide To Advanced Birding: Birding Challenges And How To Approach Them (1990)

by Kenn Kaufman(Favorite Author)
4.43 of 5 Votes: 1
0395533767 (ISBN13: 9780395533765)
Houghton Mifflin
review 1: So, this is a very detailed, in-depth book on birding. I got through the first section, which was about identification in general. Unfortunately I didn't retain very much -- for example, he goes into detail about molting, and the different kinds of molts, etc. I was happy to read it and I'll keep in mind the idea that "well, that bird looks weird, but it might just be between molts" or something but there's no way on God's green earth I am ever going to be able to remember specific molts for certain species of birds. But still, I'm glad it's in there!I stopped when I got to the part that starts talking about identification for specific types of birds (I think ducks were first.) Again, it's interesting and useful but there's no way I'm going to retain most of it. But maybe ... morebefore I go out somewhere where I know there will be ducks, I'll read the duck section as a refresher.Long story short, it's a valuable book, but not as useful to a birder such as I, somewhat more casual and in it for the "being outside on a leisurely walk" side of things, moreso than the "getting a long list and spotting rarities" side of things.
review 2: May 5, 2012: I read his first edition and liked it for the most part. But this second edition is much better! I can clearly understand what I need to do to take this hobby to another level of enjoyment. It's not written for beginners but I think if I was a beginner I'd want to be coached on this material - to get started with a different orientation than simple field marks, although they are necessary. For advanced birders, the book is a must read in my opinion. less
Reviews (see all)
Kaufman meets the needs of the less-experienced birders. A good volume for the birding beginner.
Helpful discussion of specific identification challenges such as accipiters or fall warblers.
An excellent resource. I highly recommend it to anyone wishing to become a better birder.
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