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The Scent Of Rain (2012)

by Kristin Billerbeck(Favorite Author)
3.37 of 5 Votes: 1
140168565X (ISBN13: 9781401685652)
Thomas Nelson
review 1: I thought the idea was interesting. A professional "nose," someone highly trained in scents, who loses her sense of smell. Started out intriguing. Then it was like a boulder rolling down a mountain. Faster and faster and faster and out of control until it abruptly ends. I just didn't feel like it was a coherent believable story, and there were a lot of random odds and ends that were never addressed.
review 2: This story didn't exactly blow my socks off, but it was an entertaining, lighthearted read... for the first 262 pages. Then, all of a sudden, it felt like the author realized she was up against a word count limit and had to concoct some fantastical experiences to tie up all her loose story threads. Those last 40 or so pages felt like a completely diff
... moreerent story, with a romantic conclusion so disconnected from everything that had happened before that it was actually put into an epilogue. Overall, it was a pleasant read with a gorgeous cover (the reason I picked it up in the first place) and lots of great dialogue (though sometimes it was difficult to tell who was speaking), but the story arc left much more to be desired. less
Reviews (see all)
Wonderful book....I really can't get over how the Lord works..yes this wasn't real but it happens..
Typical romance from Kristin Billerbeck. Loved it, and wish she would write more.
An easy, warm fuzzy read.
Sweet story.
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