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Cat's Paw (1995)

by L.A. Taylor(Favorite Author)
3.54 of 5 Votes: 3
0441001815 (ISBN13: 9780441001811)
review 1: Cat's Paw was one of those surprisingly happy finds one makes from time to time. Ms. Taylor put together a wonderful story that keeps you glued to the pages. This is an action/adventure book written from a feminine perspective, and is very well done. It is also more than action/adventure and really defies placing it in any particular genre. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys good literature.
review 2: I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. Miranda's husband, a lighthousekeeper, periodically goes out on secret jobs for the governor. His latest assignment was to have been only for a few weeks but he'd been gone for four months, Not only that, but his letters had stopped coming for the last two months. As Miranda had become more and more distraught, he
... morer good friend strongly suggested that she go try to find out what happened to him. Shortly before Miranda went off on her quest, a beautiful orange cat "adopted" her and finagled a ride along with her. In Miranda's fictional country, magic was considered treason and the cat, which had an extra digit on every paw, was seen as magical. This was ironic because Miranda strongly believed that any talk of magic was complete nonsense. Part of what I enjoyed so much about this book was the character Miranda, who was a stron person and completely devoted to her husband and two sons. She definitely did not suffer fools lightly and was no stranger to hard work. I would readily recommend this book. less
Reviews (see all)
Sorry, Mom, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one!! :)
Very enjoyable, well written story.
Predictable but interesting.
2 1/2 stars
Loved it!
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