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Das Sehnen Der Nacht (2012)

by Lara Adrian(Favorite Author)
4.23 of 5 Votes: 2
3802588800 (ISBN13: 9783802588808)
review 1: Enchanting novella...Danika, Conlan's mate goes to Scotland with her baby boy for the holidays. Instead of having a good time she offends the most notorious man in those parts, Reiver. She overheard his private conversation and started to suspect that he was up to no good. He confronted her expecting that she will bow before him like everyone else but she stood her ground and didn't let him intimidate her. The next day she went snooping around his business where she was intercepted by his bodyguard that seemed familiar to her. And he was. Malcolm was Conlan's best friend and once he was rooting for her heart. Soon she found herself sucked into Reiver's shady business and the only one who could save her was Malcom, a man that lost his mate and unborn child to the same man t... morehat was after her now.Absolutely wonderful for a novella. Short, exciting, straight to the point. And it finally resolved Danika's situation. I liked her from the beginning of this series. Beautiful nordic beauty with incredible strength. She never backs down and always looks straight in the eyes of her opponent. Malcolm is a man on a mission. He was a loner for centuries and when he finally allowed a woman, Fiona, into his life, he lost her and their unborn child to a pimp working for Reiver, trying to kidnap her for blood sport. He was helpless for she went out during the day. All he could do then was to find her body, bury her and seek vengeance. When Malcolm saw Danika 7 months later, his world was turned upside down. And his heart.Despite my enjoyment of this novella, I couldn't help but notice that the author doesn't do well with time. Let me explain. Danika was Conlan's mate for centuries... they shared their lives, bodies, minds, everything. She even has a son with him. When she lost Conlan she thought she could never move on. And then, only a year later (just one year oppose to all those centuries) she looked at Malcolm and fell in love, she even said that she can't remember how it was to be kissed like this and feel like this since such a long time has passed. Long time? Really? What is a year in their lives? Nothing. I think the author should be more careful with her timing and timeline. Same goes for Malcolm. He loses his mate and unborn child but 7 months later he falls in love again and takes another mate. Sorry, it's not enough time even for regular humans to overcome such loss, much less vampires.
review 2: Piccola novella che va a sistemare la vedova di Conlan, membro dell'Ordine morto in una delle numerosi azioni per proteggerei membri della stirpe.Danika si trova ad Edimburgo (spledida città della scozia che ho avuto la fortuna di visitare personalmente) in visitaai parenti del marito defunto con il piccolo Connor figlio nato dopo la morte di Con.Ebbene, incappa nel cattivissimo di turno e guarda caso in zona c'è pure un vecchio amico suo e del marito che diventa il suo cavalier servente.Non mi convince molto il ruolo di Brannoc in mezzo ai cattivi, mi sembra una spiegazione tirata, poi deve aspettare 6 mesi per agire DA SOLO (allora perchè hai aspettato 6 mesi se non sei un infiltrato e non devi acquisire prove, se il tuo ultimo fine e affrontare il cattivo a mani nude sfidando tutte le altre guardi del corpo?).La situazione precipita quando Danika viene minacciata fisicamente.Comunque tutto finisce bene e Danika si lega ad un altro compagno della stirpe...(si è consolata dopo un anno dalla morte del marito,e dopo secoli di matrimonio con il suddetto....) less
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a good read easy fast I enjoyed it took my mind of other things and was able to relax
Wish there was even more to this story... *sigh* so right, so sweet!
Nice change of pace.
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