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Geweihte Des Todes (2010)

by Lara Adrian(Favorite Author)
4.27 of 5 Votes: 4
3802583833 (ISBN13: 9783802583834)
Egmont LYX
Midnight Breed
review 1: There is no sign that the Midnight Breed series is slowing down in this eighth installment. If anything, Lara Adrian is doing a great job keeping the plot fresh and interesting. She is moving things along, allowing the characters to make progress on their journeys while revealing new layers and machinations at the same time.Before I get too far, I want to give Adrian props for actually giving us a sexy, strong black hero. All too often, PNR heroes get whitewashed (or white-ish-washed) and if there is a black guy in the group, his skin-tone gets downplayed by his book to toffee or caramel or some other edible color. Or maybe he just doesn’t get a book at all. Adrian embraces Brock’s deep, dark skin and crafts a sexy and satisfying interracial romance between him and hi... mores heroine.We got the groundwork for a Brock and Jenna pairing in Shades of Midnight. Jenna had been brutalized by the ancient and Brock was using his breed skill to ease her pain. As this story begins, they’ve left Alaska behind and Jenna is recovering at the Breed compound in Boston. She has a lot to take in at once: from her attack, to her brother’s death, to the truth about the Breeds. And on top of all that, her ordeal seems to be changing her physically. But at every turn, Brock is there. At first, his presence is a calm and steadying one, but over time, an attraction grows –and with it, some great sexual tension.Both of these characters carry baggage: Jenna with her dead husband and child, Brock with a young Breedmate he was unable to protect years ago. It makes for some fairly good angst and a fear of relationships on both their parts. Of course, that makes it all the more satisfying when they can no longer fight their feelings.I will warn you that some threads are left dangling. For little plot points, I’m ok with that, but here, Adrian leaves us with a major question unanswered about Jenna and her future. This bothers me. I’m sure it will be addressed down the road, but that doesn’t really make me feel better right now.Otherwise, though, I enjoyed the story. Another solid and sexy installment.Rating: B
review 2: I have really enjoyed this series and while I didn't hate this book something about it didn't work for me. It felt different from the other books. Almost like it was written by someone else. The basic idea of what was being said was there but there was a difference in the writing that left the characters feeling a little flat and the story a little rushed. And not just with the Jenna/Brock relationship but with the ongoing Drago thing. With Jenna and Brock I felt like unlike the other books where I felt tlike I was experiencing the big romance and chemistry right along with the characters and like I got to watch them fall in love with these two I just felt like I was just told about it. As for the rest of the story I thought the big mistake made by Chase was so obvious and so out of character for the Order, especially with Teagan and his talent being there on the scene that it felt wrong. And the big discovery didn't work for me either. Yey it happened but so many things about this felt so random. The Order was, at least for me, a force to be reckoned with and in this book it felt like they were a lot more lucky than smart. Just stumbling into and through situations. I felt like the time with Jenna spent with the Ancient should have been more impactful. She was on the verge of suicide after all. It should have been something she saw more as a gift than him toying with her. I thought his death was too easy and too easily accepted by the Order who I would have expected to be more thourough and personally I hope that is not the last of him. Nenna shoild be reclaimed at some point. I like her enought to want a better story for her. He needs to be in a hole somewhere making his way back to her for something. So much of this book felt like it was about just getting some of the loose ends tied up even it it lacked the finesse with which they were loosened to begin with and I missed that. Glad to know where the story is at this point but didn't enjoy finding out as much as I did in the past. less
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Quem me conhece sabe q sou fã desta saga! E como sempre gostei muito!
liked this one. Brock is definitely a favorite!
4.5 stars!
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