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Player (2012)

by Laura DeLuca(Favorite Author)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 3
Free Focus Publishing
review 1: Talk about twisted love and ultimate betrayal, The Player was not what I was expecting. Josh is a player who is getting tired of the game. He finds it in himself to break it off with all of his girls when he sets his eyes on one girl only, Rosa. But when he starts to get notes in his locker and tragedy strikes more than once, will he find himself playing someone else's game? Read The Player to find out!Laura did an outstanding job with this suspense. The storyline was well thought out and the characters were very well written. The story is full of action, drama, suspense, who-did-what and a huge "I should have seen that coming" type ending. I look forward to reading more of her work in the future.
review 2: Josh Hanover is the perfect guy in a high school girl'
... mores mind. He's rich, athletic, popular, and gorgeous. But, he's a player. He has always taken girls for granted and played them along making them believe they meant more to him than they really did. At the start of this story Josh had four girl friends at the same time and never thought that any of them would find out about each other. He planned to ditch them all because he truly thought that he found the real deal in a very unlikely girl, Rosa, who was nothing like the other girls that he has dated in the past.I will admit that initially I thought that this book was going to be a teen romance from the guy's point of view. It's anything but. While there is the teen romance factor in this story there is more to it. Josh's player days are over; however someone else is looking out for revenge. It starts when Josh is poisoned, and then his ex-girlfriend is murdered, and then another ex-girlfriend is attacked... and it continues to go on from there! This story has many twists and turns and just when you think you know who is responsible, something else happens to throw a wrench in your theory.This was a great and quick read! I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. less
Reviews (see all)
And quick who dunit read. This story was not what I was expecting,but I enjoyed it.
Great book that teen boys and girls can both enjoy. Ending was a total shocker!
Great thriller. Never saw the surprise ending. Love the cover model.
This is an amazing book!!! Definitely worth reading for sure!!!
This book is just BLAH!
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