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Demasiados Héroes (2009)

by Laura Restrepo(Favorite Author)
3.31 of 5 Votes: 1
1603966420 (ISBN13: 9781603966429)
review 1: �Pasado que no ha sido amansado con palabras no es memoria, es acechanza.� Lorenza y Mateo llegan a Buenos Aires en busca de Ram�n, el antiguo amante de Lorenza y padre de Mateo, de quien ella se enamor� durante la �guerra sucia� argentina, cuando los dos eran apasionados militantes que se opon�an a la dictadura de Videla. Lorenza, que lleg� a la edad adulta en medio del torbellino pol�tico de los sesenta, reflexiona sobre sus antiguas convicciones ideol�gicas y emocionales; su hijo, un chico de los noventa a quien no le interesan en absoluto la pol�tica ni la ideolog�a, busca a su padre real, el de carne y hueso. Demasiados h�roes narra la distancia entre una madre y un hijo. Una pareja curiosa y vol�til, cuyas batallas a veces hilarantes est�... more�n acentuadas por la absoluta falta de comprensi�n mutua, y amenazan con pasar de la cercan�a inevitable y el humor inesperado al caos destructor.
review 2: In this novel, a mother and son are trying to find an estranged father. The mother and the son are the only two direct characters in this book; all others appear as described or recalled by one or the other. Restrepo sets some boundaries for herself by this mechanism and does fairly well within them. The first part of the novel is a bit claustrophobic as the two characters go back and forth largely within the confines of themselves and their hotel room. The novel broadens, though, as the mother recalls meeting the father while both were actively engaged against the Argentine junta of the time. This story and the story of the abduction (and recovery) of the son at an early age by the father form the other two narrative strands. All three strands tie and echo fairly well, but the tone overall and some stilted language (due to the translation?) leave this novel very well-constructed but not necessarily well-felt. less
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I've just started reading this book, but i'm already interested....
Linda historia, una novela ligera apenas para las vacaciones.
The new novel from Latin American writer Restrepo...
Laura never disappoints. A good book to read
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