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Schere, Stein, Papier - Spieltheorie Im Alltag (2000)

by Len Fisher(Favorite Author)
3.36 of 5 Votes: 2
3827424674 (ISBN13: 9783827424679)
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
review 1: This is a decent book for a very basic introduction to game theory, and the author's writing style is engaging, but this is a very light treatment. There's very little math involved, but plenty of personal anecdotes.About halfway through it seemed like Fisher had exhausted what little content he had, and the last third of the book is filled with vague ideas about how people can better cooperate. Boooooring.Although I found myself mostly entertained, I was hoping for something a little more substantial.
review 2: This book is exactly what it claims to be: game theory for dummies. Len Fisher is not a game theorist, but a chemist with a talent for popularizing science. This book is an exploration of his fascination with game theory. It's a little history, a little
... more theory, and a lot of irreverent examples. If you are looking for a book to teach you how to use game theory for world domination (or just dominating your friends), this is not the book for you. Fisher is honest about coming from the book from the perspective of how people can play nice, not take advantage of others. But it is an excellent introduction to game theory concepts in simple language. And he did succeed in giving me a few tools for looking at situations in my own life in a new way. (for example, I'm sure one could apply game theory ideas to reading reviews in goodreads... why people post them and say what they do.)Also, this book works well as a bridge between topics... especially readings on complexity theory and the neurology of trust. If you want to learn more, I'd recommend reading the notes in the back... which are 56 pages of this 256-page book. He's got many more links and anecdotes, which made me wish I had the ebook version (if the hyperlinks actually work). less
Reviews (see all)
Actually, maybe 3.5? This was a fun way to explore the application of game theory in "real life."
Fun, but not very deep. I am still looking for a good applied game theory book.
A whole chapter devoted to Rock, Paper, Scissors - I'm in heaven!
Wonderful book, extension of game theory into non-zero outcomes
Something to think about.
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