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Snow White And Rose Red: The Curse Of The Huntsman (2012)

by Lilly Fang(Favorite Author)
3.47 of 5 Votes: 2
Good From the First Byte eBooks
review 1: I would give Snow White and Rose Red a 3.5 rather than a 3 star rating.The first thing that I noticed is that Lilly Fang is a gifted author. A wondrous imagination, made stronger by her ability to decorate paper with words, she writes in an engaging and interesting fashion that keeps the pages turning. The writing is reminiscent of Bram Stoker's Dracula - written from various perspectives as each sister speaks about her own feelings in every new chapter. This kept things moving because you learn something new about the sisters from each experience that they face. The characters that Fang created are easy to associate with - their strengths, their weaknesses, their fears and their joys pull you in. They are not confused about who they are and leave the readers with no ambig... moreuity as to what the characters are capable of.The story itself was very interesting. Magic, folklore, aspects of fairy tales, monsters and things that go much beyond the ordinary give the story a good amount of fantasy and even a touch of thrills. The only part that I found problematic, and that resulted in my being unable to give this book a 4 star rating, was the rushed nature of everything. It's not that the story didn't flow well or that it was disconnected - on the contrary, it managed to be a very interesting read even with its short length. But there was just so much more that it could have related, so much more it could have been. The information was right there, bubbling under the surface, leaving you to simply know about it as you read on (and you would definitely know about it). But I wish that Fang had brought it to the surface. I wanted to feel more of the characters emotions as they were forced to come to terms with things they never knew existed, I wanted to see and feel that change take place in their natures rather than only see the before and after. And I wanted to see a lot more of the fairy tale that surrounded each character. I think there was great potential to make the story a little longer and to give the audience a chance to know more about the secondary characters who were so very interesting.The end, especially, I found a bit too hurried. There was much that required explanation. A lot of the aspects that contributed to the end were, like other parts, expected to be simply understood. I would have definitely preferred to have seen them explained, just to get the full feel of all that unfolded. Even the events of the end happened too quickly to truly get the picture of all that was happening. All in all, it could definitely have been drawn out comfortably.Lilly Fang spins a tale of magic, of belief, of fear, of faith and of love in its many forms. Being a short story, Snow White and Rose Red is a quick read that will keep you wondering what happens next. In a nutshell, this book can be described as a fun, quick read that is entertaining, but comes just short of being absolutely great because of its slightly rushed nature. In fact, I think that adding more to the story may add pages, but will definitely be pages that you want to keep turning. Still, the book is a good read for people who enjoy books with fantasy and magic and who have loved the wonder of fairy tales.
review 2: $0.0Ever since I started watching "Once upon a Time", I have been fascinated with fairy tales even though I hardly knew about them growing up. This is a very different telling of Snow White and her younger sister Rose Red, and although they are very close, they are as different as fire and ice.In the small village where they live with their mother in seemingly poverty, they make their way by gathering roses, as some people would food, to sell, and every year there is a festival where the young men leave a rose on the door of the girl they deem the fairest of them all.Every year Snow White receives the most roses, and although her sister loves her dearly, she harbors a twinge of jealousy until this year when during the festival, strangers come to town and girls begin to disappear.I enjoyed this story, but I wish it had been longer, more developed, and would love to see a sequel, not to mention it would be a fun movie even though there is no evil queen. less
Reviews (see all)
This was a fun, short read that gives a new take on Snow White. I liked the magical elements!
Really really amazing story, just wish it was much longer than 90 pages.
about 15% of the way I couldn't get into the story, a dnf for me.
I didn't really care for this book. 2 stars.
For a short story, this was really cute.
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