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Cauldstane (2000)

by Linda Gillard(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: What did I think? I think all the people who gave this book 4 and 5 stars must've been paid off with gift certificates to Applebee's or something, because this was one of the most overblown, soapy, cheese fests I've ever encountered. The first half was somewhat bearable, but every page past that got worse and worse. I finished it because I'd reached its event horizon, but I'm kind of sorry I did. Those are two or three hours of my life I'll never get back.
review 2: I'm a little late writing this review as I finished Cauldstane almost 2 weeks ago. This was my first Linda Gillard novel - the first of many! I loved thinking I knew what was going to happen and then being completely surprised. Zelda is my favorite character in a long time and her words on fear r
... moreeally spoke to me. I've already expressed my admiration for Ms. Gillard on Amazon and Facebook for both Cauldstane and House of Silence. I'm currently reading A Lifetime Burning and can't wait to write that review when I'm done. The best advice I can give an avid reader - Pick up a Linda Gillard novel! less
Reviews (see all)
Loved most of this book, but the ending was a little bit too perfect and tied up with a bow.
Fabulous . An amazing story that had me captivated from start to finish .
Book kept me intrigued until the end. I felt that it was a bit contrived!
Amazing book! Don't do reviews, just read it....
Pure escapism. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
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