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Down Range (Mills & Boon M&B) (2013)

by Lindsay McKenna(Favorite Author)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 4
Mills & Boon M&B
Shadow Warriors
review 1: I really liked this story about two people, Jake and Morgan who were both soldiers. They have a relationship that goes way back. When they meet up at the beginning of this book, they aren't too happy with each other. Last time they saw each other a couple of years earlier, they had not parted on good terms. But as the story unfolds, we learn a lot about both of these people who have suffered a lot. I loved that in the end, when Jake could have been really upset with Morgan for withholding information, he instead was understanding of how and why things happened the way they did. It's always interesting to read Seal stories. There was sexual content, but the language was clean. I look forward to reading the other books in this series.
review 2: DNR beyond page 1
... more29 Chief Michael Jaco's Dear Reader letter endorses the technical accuracy and core emotional truth of Down Range, which is packed with compelling personal conflicts and action. Main female character, Morgan, worked for me; Jake did not. He's such a condescending, patronizing, sexist, misogynistic donkey (apologies to the actual animal). This entrenched romance fiction theme of men who judge all women negatively based on some past trauma or betrayal is so bogus, immature, and insulting to men. Jake's narcissistic, supercilious attitude is overblown to the point of making him seem insecure, making it impossible for me to root for Morgan to end up with him.Some recurring timeline inconsistencies and copyediting oversights (deserts/desserts) added to my decision to stop reading. The next two installments remain on my TBR list because L.M.'s writing is a pleasure to read. less
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Love it and want to read more SEAL adventure
Review coming closer to release date.
I give this a 3 1/2 stars
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