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The Last Cowboy (2011)

by Lindsay McKenna(Favorite Author)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 5
0373776160 (ISBN13: 9780373776160)
HQN Books
Jackson Hole
review 1: Another story about Jackson Hole and this book is about Slade McPherson who owns a ranch that he is having a hard time paying the bills on. He knows that if he can win the endurance race, he can put that money into the range and be ok but an accident puts him out of the competition. Dr. Jordana Lawton has decided that she can win this race and save the ranch and herself in the meantime. Interesting book about the training and the others who also want to win this long distance race. There are a lot of side stories that make this book very good.
review 2: I have always considered myself easily entertained ~ Extremely rare for me not to finish a book, but OMG how frustrating this book was. It read like a research paper with a random couple of sentences that would
... more remind you it was a romance novel. Not only that, but it was an over the top research paper. It was like she was trying to impress you with all the info she knows - what or what not to do in the world of endurance riding. I’m sure if I kept going maybe I would eventually hit a story, but I just could not take any more. less
Reviews (see all)
I was disappointed Downing didn't get caught. Otherwise, it was pretty good.
Usually not my type of book but really loved reading this book.
Horribly written. Terrible dialog. Liked the characters.
hard book to finish
Shallow story line.
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