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Story Time (America's Great Emerging Authors) (2000)

by Linell Jeppsen(Favorite Author)
3.58 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: So essentially take the book of Revelation from the Bible, redo the whole thing as an alien invasion and making angels out to be another form of alien coming to help the few selected humans to survive. Then make heaven be another planet where people have to choose to die because technology is so incredible. Add in a splash of author-created religious verses, poor dialogue, many cardboard characters and the spontaneous use of alien technology to move the plot ahead and you've got a story that frankly I kept reading simply to see how more absurd it would get. Don't get me wrong, I don't particularly care about rewriting the myth of Revelation as an alien invasion, but if you're going to do so at least be more clear about it. Some parts were well done though so if you're not ... morelooking to get awed and have no problem chuckling at some of the absurdity masquerading as drama then it's fun.
review 2: I normally avoid end-of-the-world stories, but happened to read a short story by Linell Jeppsen and was impressed by the polished writing and the realistic, sympathetic characters. Story Time did not disappoint. It is well written and peopled with memorable, believable characters trying to survive multiple natural disasters and the human chaos that results. My only quibble would be that the end of the book came too suddenly. I expected a little more depth to it, equal to the carefully drawn world she created with so much imagination in all the rest of the chapters. However, that's a minor quibble. The story is definitely worth all the stars I can give it. less
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I really liked this book. Humanity, both the good and evil, are portrayed as the earth dies.
Good Book. Hooks you from the beginning. The ending was a little abrupt for me.
The story has lots of room to be fleshed out a more, but pretty good.
Guess I just couldn't get into it.
very good
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